Multi-state Surveys of New Teachers

Susan M. Kardos and Susan Moore Johnson. 2010. “New Teachers’ Experiences of Mentoring: The Good, the Bad, and the Inequity.” Journal of Educational Change, 11, 1, Pp. 23-44.
Susan M. Kardos and Susan Moore Johnson. 2007. “On Their Own and Presumed Expert: New Teachers' Experiences with Their Colleagues.” Teachers College Record, 109, 12. TRC Link
Edward Liu and Susan Moore Johnson. 2006. “New Teachers' Experiences of Hiring: Late, Rushed and Information-Poor.” Educational Administration Quarterly, 42, 3, Pp. 324-360. Abstract
Susan Moore Johnson, Susan M. Kardos, David Kauffman, Edward Liu, and Morgaen L. Donaldson. 2004. “The Support Gap: New Teachers' Early Experiences in High-Income and Low-Income Schools.” Education Policy Analysis Archives, 12, 61. Full Text, EPAA
Edward Liu. 2002. “New Teachers' Experiences of Hiring in New Jersey.” In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. liu_aera2002.pdf