
Susan M. Kardos and Susan Moore Johnson. 2010. “New Teachers’ Experiences of Mentoring: The Good, the Bad, and the Inequity.” Journal of Educational Change, 11, 1, Pp. 23-44.
Morgaen L. Donaldson and Susan Moore Johnson. 2010. “The Price of Misassignment: The Role of Teaching Assignments in Teach For America Teachers' Exit from Low-Income Schools and the Teaching Profession.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 32, 2, Pp. 299-323. Link to Paper
Susan Moore Johnson, John P. Papay, Sarah E. Fiarman, Mindy Sick Munger, and Emily Kalejs Qazilbash. 2010. “Teacher to teacher: Realizing the potential of Peer Assistance and Review.” Center for American Progress. Publisher's Version
Susan Moore Johnson and Sarah E. Birkeland. 2009. “Is Fast-Track Preparation Enough? It Depends.” In Taking Stock: An Examination of Alternative Certification, edited by Pamela Grossman and Susanna Loeb, Pp. 101-128. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Susan Moore Johnson, Morgaen L. Donaldson, John P. Papay, Emily Kalejs Qazilbash, and Mindy Munger. 2009. “Leading the Local: Teachers Union Presidents Chart their Own Course.” Peabody Journal of Education, 84, Pp. 374-393.
Susan Moore Johnson and John P. Papay. 2009. Redesigning Teacher Pay: A System for the Next Generation of Educators. Economic Policy Institute. Link to Book
Susan Moore Johnson, Sarah Edith Fiarman, Mindy Sick Munger, John P. Papay, and Emily Kalejs Qazilbash. 2009. “A User's Guide to Peer Assistance and Review”. Link to Website
Morgaen L. Donaldson, Susan Moore Johnson, Cheryl L. Kirkpatrick, William H. Marinell, Jennifer Lynn Steele, and Stacy Agee Szczesiul. 2008. “Angling for Access, Bartering for Change: How Second-Stage Teachers Experience Differentiated Roles in Schools.” Teachers College Record, 110, 5, Pp. 1088-1114. Abstract from TCR
Susan Moore Johnson, Morgaen L. Donaldson, Mindy Sick Munger, John P. Papay, and Emily Kalejs Qazilbash. 2008. “The Challenge of Leading Two Generations within the Teachers Union.” In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York City, NY. aera08.smjohnson_leading_two.pdf
Stacy Agee Szczesiul. 2007. “Initiatives and initiative: Second-stage teachers' assessment of autonomy.” In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. sas_aera_2007_initiatives_and_initiative.pdf
Sarah E. Fiarman. 2007. “It's Hard to Go Back: Career Decisions of Second-Stage Teacher Leaders.” In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. sef_aera_2007_it_s_hard_to_go_back.pdf
Susan Moore Johnson, Morgaen L. Donaldson, Mindy Sick Munger, John P. Papay, and Emily Kalejs Qazilbash. 2007. Leading the Local: Teachers Union Presidents Speak on Change, Challenge. Education Sector. leading_the_local_.pdf
Susan Moore Johnson and Morgaen L Donaldson. 2007. “Overcoming Obstacles to Leadership.” Educational Leadership, 65, 1, Pp. 8-13.
Megin Charner-Laird. 2007. “Ready and Willing: Second-stage Teachers and Professional Collaboration.” In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. mcl_aera_2007_ready_and_willing.pdf
Susan M. Kardos and Susan Moore Johnson. 2007. “On Their Own and Presumed Expert: New Teachers' Experiences with Their Colleagues.” Teachers College Record, 109, 12. TRC Link
Edward Liu and Susan Moore Johnson. 2006. “New Teachers' Experiences of Hiring: Late, Rushed and Information-Poor.” Educational Administration Quarterly, 42, 3, Pp. 324-360. Abstract
Leslie Baldacci and Susan Moore Johnson. 2006. “Why New Teachers Leave. . . and Why New Teachers Stay.” American Educator. Full Text Online
Susan Moore Johnson, Sarah E. Birkeland, Heather G. Peske, and Mindy Sick Munger. 9/2005. A Difficult Balance: Incentives and Quality Control in Alternative Certification Programs. Cambridge, MA. Publisher's Version
Jill Harrison Berg. 2005. “Board Certification during Teaching's Second Stage: Professionalizing Teaching through Differentiated Roles.” In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Montreal, Canada. jhb_bdcertinsecondstage_revised.6.28.05.pdf
Jill Harrison Berg, Megin Charner-Laird, Sarah E. Fiarman, Anne Jones, Emily Kalejs Qazilbash, and Susan Moore Johnson. 2005. “Cracking the Mold: How Second-Stage Teachers Experience their Differentiated Roles.” In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Montreal, Canada. crackingthemold.pdf
